Classical Martial Arts Centre

Fitness Classes

Exciting news: I’m inviting all adult students to participate in a new fitness class. Adults will be Monday evening at 6:30, and children 9 and up will be on Friday’s at 5-6pm. The program will concentrate on strength, core fitness and what I call...

Lunch Time Tai Chi Wednesday’s

For new students, engaging in a lunchtime Tai Chi class offers a unique and enriching introduction to this ancient practice. The midday session becomes an accessible entry point, providing a harmonious blend of traditional wisdom and contemporary convenience. The...

Kyu Belt Grading

There will be a Belt Grading held on Tuesday February 18th, at 6:30pm. Come out and show your support for the candidates. All Brown and Black Belts are welcome to assist, specially if your considering your own Black Belt grading within the next year.